Our Sensei
5th Dan Seiwakai Goju Ryu Karate
Indran Tanabalan
With over 28 years experience in training and 20 years in coaching, Indran is one of the most experienced instructors in the world. First started under Chris Ellerker Sifu, then Rod Martin Shihan and for many years after, he was a direct student and close colleague of Leo Lipinski Shihan 8th Dan; the only non-Japanese person to achieve the highest level. Lipinski Shihan mentored Indran with both karate and the mindset required to develop people to the highest levels.
4th Dan Seiwakai Goju Ryu Karate
Marie Tanabalan
Marie has been training for over 20 years and is one of 6 women on the Seiwakai International Women Advisory Board (SIWAB). She, along with Indran Sensei continually receive top tuition from Fujiwara Hanshi 8th Dan, travelling to Japan yearly to do so. Both Marie & Indran Sensei have extensive competition experience and have travelled the world competing and placing many times in the top three. She was also a student of Rod Martin Shihan and Leo Lipinski Shihan 8th Dan and spent many years training under them and learning how to develop people.